About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, December 20, 2008

We are still here at Kennestone

Well today is Saturday and I am still on pretty much complete bedrest here at Well start Kennestone Hospital, Room 340. The highlight of my day is getting up to take a shower and wash my hair. I actually got to shave today, which was a much needed event. As of right now, I am pretty stable. They have given me some medication to stop my contractions and I have only had about one contractions every hour, which is great. I am still bleeding a little, so there is no prospect of going home until that stops. The good news is that my doctors and nurses have all said that I am doing great. The Perinatal doctors say that Ava is looking great and doing really good. My blood pressure, sugar levels, etc have all been good. So over all I am being an A plus patient and so is Ava. If have had a ton of phone calls, flowers, and visitors that it has made the time pass pretty fast. As of right now, I am still here until I deliver but it really is a day to day diagnosis, so who knows what tomorrow may bring. Adam and I have a great peace and about this and know that this did not catch God by suprise. We are blessed to be at an amazing hospital that has the BEST NICU in Georgia, so if Ava decides to come early she will be in great hands. I will be 29 weeks on Monday and our first goal right now is to get to 30 weeks. So lets pray for that! Thank you so much for all of your prayers, I can definitely feel them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Abbey. We are praying that little Ava will hold off her entrance into the world. Thinking of your guys. My mom gave me your blog address today.

Carrie said...

Hey Abbey,

We will be praying for you and Baby Ava. May God's peace continue to fill your heart as you wait to see His plan unfold for sweet Ava's arrival!
Love and prayers,
Carrie Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Hello Abbey & Adam,

We are fervently praying Baby Ava will wait a while longer for her grand entrance. May God continue to embrace you all and give you peace. And we love your room!
Kim Berry

Anonymous said...

Abbey, Sharon has been keeping me posted and I am so glad to hear everything is going well. You, Adam and baby Ava are in our prayers and I know that God is watching over your precious gift. I will keep checking on you and will keep all of you in our prayers. I miss all of you so much and can't wait to see all of your pictures of Ava! Take care of yourself and that beautiful gift growing inside. Miss you and love to all.