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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good News! Ava is feeling better!

Ava is sleeping in order to feel better.

I just love the this sweet face! The tube in her mouth is just a feeding tube, even though it looks bad, it is helping her grow big and strong.

Ava is feeling much better. She was doing so well that I was able to hold her on Sunday. This is the first time I was able to hold her since Thursday. The IV in her head is for a blood transfusion. Preemies do not have the ability to regenerate their own blood because their blood marrow until they are about 36-38 weeks gestationally. Most preemies have to have a blood transfusion, so it is not unusual that Ava had to recieve a transfusion. Ava recieved her blood transfusion on Friday. What is extra special about the blood she recieved was that it was from Doc (Ava's grandaddy and Abbey's dad). So now and forever Ava and Doc will be "blood buddies". The IV in her head was taken out on Monday night, so now the only thing she has on her is a feeding tube and moniters. I am so glad that she is feeling better and today I was able to see her bright eyes and her active personality again.


Unknown said...

It's so wonderful to see that she is growing and getting stronger every time you post pictures. May God continue to bless you, little Ava! Shanta McGuckin

Anonymous said...

We're so glad to hear that Ava is doing better! How much does she weigh now? Can't wait to see you Saturday, Abbey!