About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ava is doing great and growing everyday

Ava sleeping underneath her lovey

Ava sleeping with her lovey and bear

Ava and Mommy. Ava with her own hat on!

Ava just chilling and saying what's up!

Ava and Daddy bonding. Adam is a great daddy!
Ava is doing wonderful! She has grown and is 2 lbs and 15 oz. One more ounce and she will be 3 pounds. She is doing so well that all she has is her feeding tube...no more IV's!
Today I was able to hold her skin to skin and started teaching her how to nurse. The nurses all say that she is the cutest in the NICU and is making great strides.
Please pray for baby Noah. He is in the NICU with Ava. He was born at just 24 weeks and was just about 1 lb and 9 oz. He is being a fighter and has held on for about a week, which is great for his size. His mom is named Melissa. Please pray for Melissa and her husband as they go through this journey.


Anonymous said...

Hi Abbey! Girl, I have been thinking of you so much! You really struck a cord in my heart when you spoke about being so anxious to get home and begin doing all the "normal" stuff that others take for granted! Well, you have reminded me to not take any of my wonderful moments with my boys for granted! The baths, the meals, the nursing, the book time, the pooping...all if it! They are all moments to be treasured and enjoyed! Thanks for reminding me of that. I pray for you and your family and for little Ava! I pray the Lord will fill her body with health. That her lungs grow strong, all her functions progress quickly and normally, and that she is home very soon! What a testimony you have to tell of the Lord's grace and power! Love you girl! (Praying for Melissa, Noah and family too!)

Anonymous said...

Congratualtions Abbey. Ava is so beautiful and so alert. Glad to hear she is doing well, we are praying for y'all. We can't wait to see her.

Anonymous said...

We've been out of town for several days and haven't checked blogs or FB. Glad to read that Ava is doing so well and to see how alert she is in the pics. Continuing to pray for all of you.