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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Friend, Flower and Bird's Nest Fun

Making handprint sheep

When Ava woke up this morning, she wanted to wear her princess dress and crown

Making finger print Easter lily

Having a fun picnic with our friend Rayna

Finished the fun day with a sucker

Making bird's nest...so fun and so easy

Finished product

It was another super fun-filled day on Spring Break. We started our day by making sheep made with Ava's hand prints and cotton balls. This morning, Ava woke up and told me she wanted to put on her princess dress and wear her crown. Well of course we can do that!! After the handprint painting when then got dressed and Ava made an Easter Lily. The orange paint ended up getting on her clothes we had to change clothes for the park. We then went on to the park for play time and a picnic with Ava's school and speech therapy friend, Rayna. I love how well Ava and Rayna play together, and how cute they are together. Finally after a four hour nap (Ava must have been worn out!), we made yummy bird's nests. Why yes we Ava did have several wardrobe changes today, but having fun can be messy! It was again a wonderful day...feeling very blessed...Again!!

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