Alison and Katelyn....Ava and Katelyn were roomies in the NICU

My favorite preemie

Mommy and Ava

Grammy and Doc wear their purple

Noah and Melissa- Ava and Noah were friends in the NICU

Lauren-ERBC and Greenville friend

Stephanie- GWU friend

Teri-Noonday Friend

Joe Ong- Daddy (Adam's work friend)

Keri and Aerilyn- Bible Study and Cedarcrest friend

Amber-Bible Study and Cedarcrest friend

Beth- High School friend

Baby Adelaide
Today was Preemie Awareness Day! In order to celebrate the day, I asked friends and family to wear purple. Above are some pictures of some of my friends and family that dressed in their purple finest. It really meant a lot to receive support and encouragement for my special preemie, Ava and other preemies! "She is clothed in fine linen and purple." Proverbs 31:22
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