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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Operation Potty Training

Princess Pull Ups

Princess Panties

Princess Potty Seat

Watching Elmo potty DVD

Making Cinnamon Apple Cake

Cooking in her kitchen

Forts are so much fun

Playing with Mommy's phone on the potty

Yesterday we began "Operation Potty Training"! We started our adventure by going to Target and Ava picking out her pull ups, big girl panties and potty seat. Of course they were all Princess or Toy Story, since those are her favorites. We spent the day in the house, making a cake, building a fort and working on going to the potty. The morning was a little rough with four accidents, but in the afternoon we actually had success! After Ava got up from nap and we played around a little bit, I asked her if she needed to go potty. We went into the bathroom, sat on the potty and success! We celebrated and Ava got a treat out of our treat bag. Today we begin again...hopefully another stress-free day!


Medcalf Crew said...

We've never had a phone go into a potty but we have had some Strawberry Shortcake shoes and hair clips go in. They survived and were washable....can't promise your phone will be. That might be a tough one to explain to Adam!!

Anonymous said...

like to pull her panties off,yours also mom,very pretty legs.

Anonymous said...

panties down just under her bum ,grab her hips and in herass it goes, 18 mths was my youngest so far she was so tight