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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Something to talk about!

Ava and her therapist Miss Somer

Ava loves the therapy room

In many blogs I read, I see children and parents living out picture perfect lives. I have also found myself only posting pictures and stories showing my daughter being precious. It would be easy for someone to read my blog and feel that my life was problem free and but that would be a misrepresentation of reality. So in trying to always live a transparent, genuine and authentic life, I want to be a little vulnerable in this post. In doing so, I hope it will free other mom bloggers to show flaws...even in blog land.

Many of you who have followed our family's journey, know that my sweet Ava decided to enter into the world a little early and in a dramatic fashion. This early entrance was not necessarily her doing, but that whole story is for another post! Due to her being born a little too early, we have had to face some "bumps" in the road the last two years and three months. At every developmental stage crawling, walking, eating, and now talking we have had to work just a little bit harder. Now that she is over two, and is still a little delayed in speech, we have decided to ask for some more professional assistance. Ava has begun going to speech one day a week. She goes to the Pediatric Therapy Clinic and has an amazing therapist, Somer working with her each week. In just two visits I can already see Ava improving in her talking and communication.

I am so thankful that God has placed such a wonderful facility and people in Ava's life. A verse that keeps coming to my mind as I struggle with feeling insecure in telling others about Ava's delays is 1st Corinthians 1:27 "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." I am excited to see what amazing things God is going to accomplish in and through Ava's life! In fact, I can not wait for the day when one of her teachers at school sends home a note that tells me that Ava needs to talk less in class. It just might get framed!


Pretty Pink World said...

Girl...we are right there with you....but...Abby is 5. ;)
Anyways, I get frustrated at times, but I constantly tell myself that something GREAT will come from her working so hard to do what others do so easily. I KNOW she has great things to say and do in life and it will be said and done in due time.
Ava will too!! :) Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the pictures and post. I completely understand how you feel. Noah barely cried as a baby and then I could hardly hear him it was so low and soft. For a while we thought he had vocal cord damage from being on the vent for 56 total day. Then he NEVER babbled as a baby or even at 1 yr. The speech therapy did help him. Although he is done with speech therapy he is still pretty quiet and still does not put 2 words together. he tries and will get there in time. Some full term babies don't talk till they are 4 I hear..... Our babies are still amazing!
Melissa Felker