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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break fun!

Ava and her buddies; Brock, Brody and Maddy climbing together

Ava on the slide...Brock and Brody, "brotherly love"!

Maddy and Ava flying high in the sky

Lyla is such a great little friend to Ava

Ava loves climbing the rock wall

Dylan, Ava and Maddy playing with the mulch Don't tell Ava's teachers, its against the rules at school

Ava had a great time playing with her school friend Sailer

Yummy picnic lunch

Ava had a super fun day today at the park. She was able to play at the park with both her play group friends and her school friends. She climbed up the rock mountain with Brody and Brock. Ava played on the swings with Maddy and enjoyed the slides with Lyla and Sailer. At the end of the afternoon she shared a picnic with her friends. I am so thankful for the fabulous friends that are part of Ava's little life. I have prayed and continue to pray daily that God would give Ava amazing, encouraging, close friends...so far my prayers have been answered.

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