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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A little boo boo

A little bruise on our forehead

Ava did not have a happy face after falling

Ava got her first real boo boo this week. She has started pulling up and she pulled up on the wooden coffee table. Right after she pulled up she reached for the remote control (which she is not allowed to touch), and let go of the table. She then fell forward and hit her head. She had a big cry, but after a hug, pacey and caterpillar she was okay.
As I comforted Ava, it reminded me of my relationship with God. He has set up rules and boundaries for me to follow, yet He still gives me free will to make my own choices. Sometimes in making my own choices, I am disobedient to God's word and God's plan. In my disobedience, I may experience physical, emotional or spiritual pain. Yet, God is faithful, loving and ready to comfort me. Even in my sin, God will welcome me back and give me a big hug and forgive me.

1 comment:

Jennifer Cobb said...

Poor little sweetheart! Despite the owie, she is adorable!