About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Heart

Well this afternoon I broke the rules! Ava just took about a 35-40 minute nap early this afternoon so I knew she would not be able to make it all the way until 7:00-7:30 which is her normal bed time. So at about 4:00 this afternoon she started getting her "tired fussies" so I decided to rock her a little bit and see if she would rest. I had every intention of putting her in her crib but it felt so nice to be holding her in my arms. As we rocked, she reached up and put her little hand on my chest and just kept it there for about an hour while she napped. I know it is "against the rules" to hold a baby while she naps and I should have put her in her crib but at the moment she touched my heart...literally I just sat there and watched her sleep...in awe. She is my precious treasure, my grace gift.

As she touch my heart it was as if all the times my heart was broken by rejection, disillusionment, failure, break ups and just the stinkiness of life just faded away. It was as if my heart that had been so strained by the months of struggle to get pregnant melted away. It was as if the heart that had to be so strong the two months she was in the NICU and the three months she was on the heart moniter was able to finally breath! In 1984 Jesus Christ came in to my heart and cleansed me of my sins. Through out my life He as been my rock, my redeemer, my friend. He has been there when I praised Him and He has been there when I have cursed Him. He has been the "solid rock on which I stand" when everything around me was "sinking sand". Today God used a itty bitty hand to touch my heart and let me finally take a deep breath in His peace.


Malinda said...

Abbey I am so proud of little Ava and I personally have always felt that you can never hold on to that precious one too much! I know the "rules", but that has always been my special time with all of the girls. ENJOY!!!!


Kristin Espinosa said...

I'm a stickler for the "rules", but every once in while, breaking them is the most wonderful, amazing gift you can give yourself. Maybe that's the whole point - it becomes precious b/c it isn't all the time. The rare times when I am holding my sleeping (4 year old) baby are still some of my most cherished moments. Your Ava is so beautiful!