About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Maddy's b-day and bumbo seat fun

Ashleigh and Lyla, Sarah and AJ, Abbey and Ava

Maddy enjoying her 1st birthday cupcake

Ava playing in her bumbo seat

Early morning bumbo fun, still a little sleepy
This weekend we had fun at Maddy Grace's 1st birthday party! It was a cupcake theme and Maddy enjoyed her 1st taste of cake! Ava, Adam and I had a great time with all of our friends celebrating Maddy's first birthday. Ava and I have been working on her head control, especially in her Bumbo seat. Yeah! Ava can sit up straight and hold her head up in her bumbo seat now. I am blessed everyday as I watch Ava grow and develope and stay right on track. God is great and faithful!

1 comment:

Medcalf Crew said...

I see the mom dress code: black t-shirt and khaki shorts. How funny!!