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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Speech with Friends

Having snack time with friends: AJ, Kinley, Lauren and Rayna

Making her Dr. Seuss craft

Catching her "fish" for her picture

Sitting together for craft time

Today Ava started a new program at speech therapy. Her play speech group is now made up of just 3-4 year olds. Also, the program is set up to be a little bit more structured and geared to challenge her and her little friends a more in their speech development. Today was amazing! Ava's attention span was great. She followed directions and had a great time with her friends. By the end of the time at play therapy, I was so very, very proud of Ava and how she surprises me everyday with how far she has come in her life!

I am so very proud, thankful and blessed to be Ava's mommy! It may take her a little longer and she may have to work a little harder at things, but she always accomplish the task in front of her. She faces every challenge with a smile on her face and such a sweet spirit! "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives me strength!

1 comment:

Medcalf Crew said...

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Looks like fun! Glad the group has more kids her age...I bet she loved it. Jealous you can get her to wear her hair in a ponytail--McClellen has not been letting me do too much to hers because she likes it "long".