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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Trip to the Greenville Zoo

Greenville Friends: Kerri Grace, Maggie and Ava

Helping Grammy with the stroller

Trying to get a 3-generation picture...Ava was not really excited taking a picture

Miss Kathy, Ashley, Kerri Grace and Maggie

Ready for a zoo adventure

Is this Aslan???

All the girls calling the elephant, "stinky, elephant"

Watching Joy the elephant!

This weekend Ava and I went to Greenville, since Daddy was off on a fishing trip with his dad, brother and nephew. On Friday we had a special treat of getting to go to the Greenville zoo with our great friends and of course fun Grammys! Ava had a wonderful time playing with her friends Maggie and Kerri Grace. It was so fun to be at the zoo with Ava and let her see "Joy" the elephant. Joy the elephant has been at the Greenville zoo since I was a little kid. Ava really liked seeing Joy, even though she was very stinky!

1 comment:

The Gaymons said...

Such cute pictures! Thanks for posting. We had such a great time with you gals! Hope to see you again soon!