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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Sunday

Having ice cream with Mommy

Playing games: Zingo and Lucky Ducks


Learning to sweep


I love Sundays! I love easing into the morning and having a cup of coffee before going to get up Ava and ready for church. I am so thankful for the wonderful children's ministry that Ava attends at our church, Cedarcrest Church. She has great teachers that love her, teach her about Jesus and are patient with her when we have a rough start (like this morning!). After church we came home, lunch and a good nap (for Mommy and Ava). When we all got up from nap time Mommy and Ava shared some ice cream outside on Ava's new picnic table. Daddy made the picnic table...he is so talented. We then played outside with bubbles and played on the swing set. Because it is VERY hot this summer, we went inside and played some of her favorite games, Zingo and Lucky Ducks. Overall, it was a fantastic Sunday! "This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

1 comment:

The Gaymons said...

Wish we lived closer to ya'll so we could have played. You and Ava like all of the same things we do!!! Looks like you had such a fun day! Happy Sunday!!