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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day of School 2011

Ava's first day of school: 2010

Ava's first day of school: 2011

Ava's teachers: Miss Lauri and Miss Holly

Miss Sassy

Mommy and Ava

Ava and Kate on their first day of school

Today was Ava's first day of school! She is back at Burnt Hickory, so I think that helped a little with the transition to a new class. This morning it was exciting to see Ava's cousin Kate. The two girls were too cute. When they saw each other they said hey and gave each other a hug. Too bad that they are not in the same class together (boo!).

Ava's first day started positively. She sweetly let Mommy take pictures on the front steps and was singing on the way to school. She was still happy when she walked in to school and saw her buddy Addison and her cousin Kate. Then we got to her classroom and she started crying. Her teachers did a great job comforting her (and me)! When I came back to pick her up Miss Holly and Miss Lauri said that she settled down, after about 30 minutes of crying (more like a tantrum). They said she did have a good day and even made a little craft. After school Ava and I went to Chick fil A to celebrate with Addison, Will and Miss Cynthia the first day of school. Lunch was going great until Ava decided she was done and I wanted to eat a little more before she could go play. So after having a little tantrum and then a medium size tantrum, we went home with out getting to play. Once at home I put Ava down for a nap....and she knocked out almost immediately! I guess we can all be a little grumpy when we are tired!!

1 comment:

The Gaymons said...

Sounds like a pretty good first day of school. I have a feeling my Kerri Grace will have her share of tantrums the first day....and maybe the second and third, too. =) Ava has grown up so much over the past year!!