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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Apple Trees

Ingredients: crackers, pretzels, peanut butter and red M&Ms

Working on her project

Ava's favorite part: the M&M's!

Elmo and Caterpillar helped with the project

Finished product: Apple Trees

Giving Elmo and Caterpillar some love...stylin!

Today Ava and I did a fun little snack craft. We made some "Apple Trees". For the months of August and September in her 2 year old preschool class Ava is learning all about the shape: circle, the number: one and the color: red. The other day at speech I told Ava's speech teacher, Miss Somer, about what Ava was learning. Then this past week she gave us this super fun project to do together.

The ingredients for the project are: crackers, pretzels, red M&M's and peanut butter. You start by spreading peanut butter on a cracker. You then place the pretzel at the base of the cracker as the "trunk" of the tree. Finally you add the M&M's as the apples on the tree. While making the trees we talked about how the crackers are in the shape of a circle and the M&M's are the color red. The project is a fun project to do, a learning experience and very yummy to eat!

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