About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Thursday, June 9, 2011

On the Mends

Yeah for playing in the pool

YUMMY Pudding Pack!

Summer picnic

Our lunch boxes

Sorry f0r not blogging for a while. We have had a "terrible, horrible, no good very bad week"! It started off last Thursday. Thursday evening poor Holly the Honda, got hit. It was an accident and no one was hurt (and it was not my fault!). But I have had to spend a lot of time this week dealing with the insurance company. As if a wreck is not time consuming enough, Ava got pitifully sick Thursday night. Her sickness started off with a TERRIBLE diaper rash. On Friday I took her to the doctor's office and then on Saturday she started getting a bad cold. The bad cold then moved into hives on her legs, arms and face. So after two trips and several phone calls to the pediatrician, Ava is finally on the mend (oh and so is Holly the Honda!). So today to celebrate her finally feeling better and on the road to recovery we had a picnic and pool time.

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