About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Letter A

Painting an "A" with daily verse on it

Eating snack: Applesauce and Animal crackers

Playing with our great friends: Addison, Will and Miss Cynthia

Coloring an apple picture

Watching "Annie" and eating an apple cereal bar

The letter of the day is "A"

Books we read: Ten Apples up on Top and
I see the creatures (animals), God Made

Before I was Ava's mom, I was a teacher, and before that a preschool/children's minster, and before that an Elementary associate, and before that a camp counselor...so I decided to use those skills to help us have a super fun summer. From now and for the next 25 days, each day will have a letter theme. Today the letter of the day was "A".

Here is the plan that I followed:

Day 1: The Letter A

Verse of the Day:

“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength

Bible story of the Day:

Proverbs: 6:6-8, The Story of the Ant

Foods to Eat:

Applesauce, Animal crackers, Apple cereal bar, Apple Juice


Color sheet of an Apple and the lower case “A”, use a red and green color to review colors

Paint a picture of an upper case “A” with the memory verse on the bottom of the sheet

Make a play date with an “A” named friend. We played with our friend Addison.

Color or Paint a picture of an ant that goes along with the Bible Story (Proverbs 6:6-8)

Watch “Annie” (the original)

Ava seemed to really like being on a schedule and did great with each activity. Our favorite part of the day was going swimming with our friends Addison, Will and Miss Cynthia. It was a perfect day for pool time and a picnic. Check in tomorrow to see what we do with the letter "B"!!!

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