About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, June 19, 2010


None of us like boundaries or rules or to be told no, but all of these things are necessary! Ava is no exception! Most of the time she is a sweet, precious little toddler who is flexible, that likes to just sit and "read" her books. But lately she has started testing her limits a little bit. First of all she loves to go outside and knows that the door to the deck is the one we usually use. So now she goes to the door and whines. So we have had to work on saying "out" or "side", so that we do not turn into a whiner. Secondly, we are working on Ava having a more varied palate for different foods. She loves, fruit, sweet potatoes, beans, cheese, yogurt and peanut butter crackers, but trying to introduce new things to her, is met with some drama!! Lastly, I am so excited that Ava is now walking so well, but this means that she does not really want to stay in one place for a long time. So Adam and I have put up a gate in between the kitchen and the dining room, so that I can keep an eye on her when I am getting a meal together or cleaning up from a meal. She does not like being gated in, but it is for her safety. She likes to walk/run around the house and there has been several bruises recieved by running into a wall or coffee table...so safety first! Finally...just for fun, notice her rocking, pink glitter tennis shoes!! I got these shoes for her a while back and she is now just able to wear them...I love them on her!!!

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