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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yeah for Noah!!

Noah at one year old (Ava and Noah were born 4 days apart)

I know many of you prayed for little Noah who was a little boy that was in the NICU with Ava. When Ava was discharged from the NICU, we left and I was forgot to get Noah's mommy's information so that we could stay together. Well, on SUnday I worked in the nursery with one of the nurses that work in the NICU and took care of both Noah and Ava. I asked her about Noah. She said she really couldn't say anything but that his picture was up on the bulletin board in the NICU. Parents that have had kids in the NICU send updated pictures up to the nurses and doctors and they put them up on this large bulletin board in front of the NICU. So I went on Facebook to see if I could find Noah's mom, Melissa and I found her. Noah went home and is doing great! God has truely done a miracle in this little boys life. Just to tell everyone who prayed hard for Noah thank you!!!

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