About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why the name??

Many people have asked me why and how did we come up with the name Ava Elizabeth.
Ava is a direvative (not sure that is spelled right) of the name Eve. In Hebrew Ava means "desired". For all of you who know and where with Adam and I through the struggle of infertility to the glorious June day when we found out I was pregnant, Ava is most certainly desired! My sister in law helped put it into perspective to me. She said that it is not like your friends or family members love their child/children less because it was easy for them to concieve and carry their baby/babies, its just that you love your child in a special little way becauase of all it took to get them here. Ava's middle name Elizabeth in my (abbey) middle name. The name Elizabeth means in Hebrew "consecrated to God". She truely his concecrated and given to the Lord. I pray everyday that God will use Ava to bring glory to Him. So that is how we came up with the name, Ava Elizabeth Cooler:)

1 comment:

shannon burke said...

i am so excited for you and adam. you look ADORABLE as a mommy-to-be. motherhood is the greatest blessing in the world! take care of YOU!