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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

10 Weeks!

I had my ten week appointment on Monday. It went really well and me and the baby are doing great. I got to the appointment about 3:00 and spent an hour with a nurse answering a bunch of questions about my past, family tree, sicknesses, surgeries and anything else embarrassing they could possibley ask. I then went in with the doctor and he did an exam and everything was great! After the exam, I was given a ultrasound and was able to see the baby, see the heartbeat and hear the heartbeat...AMAZING! The best part of the ultrasound was that the baby is moving now. No surprise the child was very active! I told Adam I think the Baby is a girl because the baby kept on doing "jazz hands" during the ultrasound! One part of the ultrasound did make me cry! While the tech was doing the ultrasound, when she would talk the baby was just being still but when I started talking the baby started moving around alot. Amazing! He or She already knows her mama's voice! Adam and I are still overwhelmed with this blessing God has given us. Please continue to pray for the health and safety of this precious life!



Kelly Rae said...

We are sooooooo happy for both of you!!!! It is so much fun to see this sonogram and we'll continue to be praying for a healthy pregnancy!

Jeni said...

How exciting to see your little one for the first time!!! YEAH!!!! And that is so sweet that he/she moved when hearing your voice!

The Gaymons said...

That baby already has the dance moves down? Advanced already! Good job growing that little one, Abby! We are praying for you both!

Jennifer & Jimmy said...

Of course this baby is dancing already! I'm dancing with joy that this little one is healthy and obviously very happy! So excited!Lots of Love~Jennifer