Cooler Corner
On Christ the solid ROCK I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!

About Me

- coolercorner
- Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Some Firsts!!
My "cool" ballerina
Ava said she is Angelina Ballerina
Anna enjoying grocery shopping
Today was a day of firsts! Ava started her dance class and Anna was able to sit in the front of the grocery cart. Slow down girls are growing up so fast!
Labor Day 2013 at the lake
The girls and I had a blast at the lake over Labor Day weekend. Ava had a great time by overcoming some of her fears of riding in the float behind the boat and riding on the jetski. Anna decided she likes to stand up. She has to be helped to her feet but once she is standing she is all smiles. I was again reminded of the amazing, Godly, wonderful, loving family that I have and I am thankful!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Summer 2013
August-First day of K4
August-Ava loves Chuck E Cheese
August- Anna feeding herself
August- Fun times with Greenville friends
August- Special time with Me-Me and Bob-Bob
August- Ava learned how to swing by herself
August- Blessed friendshp, Ava and Maddie
August-Family time! Two Daddy's girls
August- Little friends, Anna and Ellie Kate
Picnic fun with the Knox family
My girls love their little pool
Puddles in the park at BHBC
July 4th at the lake! Annual Tucker's Trace Picture
Fun at an army birthday party
Anna learned to sit up this summer!
Ava participated in Drama camp
My little Diva
Backyard picnic with smores!
All four cousins-Hudson, Anna, Ava, McClellen
Ava and Anna have a great time playing together
Last day of K3
Bible story time with Grammy
Dance time with Daddy
Field trip to Booth Cowboy museum
Helping Daddy
Hiking at Pitner Road park
Ava's first time on the jet ski
Playing with her "new" kitchen. It was Mommy's!!
Fun at the lake!!
Miss Lori and Miss Wendy
Mother's Day 2013
Anna finger painting
Pool Fun with best friends
Park fun
Remember that time when I was a great blogger and I blogged and posted pictures every day or at least every week. Well, that all changed with Miss Anna came in the picture. This summer was both busy and laid back. It was packed with fun times at the house, with family and with great friends. We were having so much fun that I forgot to blog! Since Anna was so little and still on the two, sometimes three naps a day, we stayed around the house alot this summer. We did make some special trips to Greenville and the lake house. We started the summer with saying goodbye to two amazing K3 teachers. We then filled the summer with times at the park, play with friends, picnics in the back yard and finding joy in simple things. Both my girls had a summer full of first with Ava learning to swing by herself, swimming and riding the jet ski, to Anna sitting up, eating table food and even starting to clap and move around. The summer ended with Ava starting K4 with two amazing teachers, Miss Robin and Miss Pam. Even though it was a simple summer, it was oh so sweet!!
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