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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NICU Buddies Reunion

Yeah for NICU buddies reunion

Fun times splashing in the pool

Two girls having lunch together: NICU roommates

Noah did not want to eat with the girls

Three little miracles: Katelyn, Noah and Ava

Noah and Ava working on their letters

Enjoying building with blocks together

Allison and Katelyn and Melissa and Noah

A little over two and half years ago, three mommies with very sick babies, met each other. Through the many days, months, ups and downs of the NICU we supported one another. All three of our precious babies, (Noah, Ava and Katelyn) decided to come into the world a little bit too early. The last two years we have stayed in touch, encouraged and prayed for each other's children.

Today was a day of fun and fellowship for our three feisty preemies! They played in the pool, played on the swing set, had fun with the toys inside and shared lunch together. It was such a special day. Of course it was great to catch up with the mommies (Allison and Melissa). It is a blessing to have moms that understand what it is like to have a preemie.

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