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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Noah's b-day and NICU unexpected reunion

Ava and Noah playing with bubbles, yeah!

Katelyn and Ava, they were roomies in the NICU

Happy Birthday Noah!

The Felker family: Noah, Melissa and Jason

Ava and Noah

Ava helping Noah open presents

NICU friends: Allison and Katelyn, Abbey and Ava, Melissa and Noah

Ava had a super, duper time celebrating Noah's 2nd birthday this afternoon. Noah and Ava were in the NICU together. Melissa (Noah's mom) and I became good friends and prayer partners during our time in the NICU together. Many of you that read my blog prayed and prayed for Noah while Ava was in the NICU. Noah was born very early (24/25 weeks) and very tiny (just over one pound). Thank you for your prayers and concern, because today he is an amazing, healthy, active, funny little boy! A big surprise that Ava got today at the party was that one of her roommates, Katelyn was at the birthday party too. Ava and Katelyn were roommates for that about 4 weeks together. It was so great to reconnect with her and her wonderful parents, Allyson and Clay.
While at the party, I could not help but rejoice and praise the Lord! Just two years ago, these three little precious babies where fighting for life. Today they were running around, smiling, laughing, sliding, popping bubbles, and giving each other hugs. God is amazing and He has done great things in these children's lives!!

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