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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Grammy!

Having a blast with cousins at the bouncey place!

Great minds think a like

Ava loves Barney!

Yeah for Chucky E. Cheese

Brad and Hudson playing air hockey

Picking out toys together

Birthday cake with Grammy

Snuggle time with Daddy...Ava missed her Daddy!

What a super fun weekend! Ava and I went to Greenville to celebrate Grammy's birthday. The weekend started with some super fun at a jumpy place with Hudson and McClellen. Then today, Saturday, Grammy had her birthday at Chuck E. Cheese. It was so much fun! I was a little worried about Chuck E. Cheese, because Ava gets a little overwhelmed sometimes, but she had a great time! After the party, we went back to Grammy and Doc's house for cake and ice cream. Also, break through, Ava ate some birthday cake...which is a big step. Ava is so blessed to have an amazing Grammy and we love her so much!

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