About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Old friends, New friends and even Furry friends!

Weee....I can ride this dog!

Ava loving on Avery

Ella was not too sure about Ava, but was still nice

Ava and Avery posing together

Ava meeting Emma Kate for the first time!

"Luke, why do you just have a onesie on??"

Today Ava had a full day with her friends! In the morning she had playgroup with Caleb, AJ and Luke. It is so cute to hear her little friends say her name. Caleb calls Ava, "a-ba" and Luke calls Ava, "fa-fa". It is so fun to see them developing their language, playing and socializing together. After nap and lunch Ava and Mommy went over to Miss Pam's house to meet Ava's newest friend Emma Kate. Emma Kate is just 2 weeks old. Mommy and Miss Pam are in small group (Sunday School) together. Also, Miss Pam was one of the nurses that took care of Mommy when she had Ava. Miss Pam also helped Mommy out a few weeks ago when Mommy was not feeling too good, and helped the doctors figure out what was wrong.
One of the very fun things about Miss Pam's house is that she has two big dogs called Wiemaraners! Their names are Avery (boy) and Ella (girl). They both let Ava pet them and "love" on them. Ava just squeled and laughed anytime the dogs were around. It was so cute to see Ava playing, unafraid of these huge dogs. Though they were big, they were gentle giants!

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