About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Guess how much Ava weighs?

Drum roll please.......Ava is now 3 pounds! We are very excited about this because that means she is gaining and maintaining her body weight! Everyday Ava does something amazing and is making the strides she needs to make so that she can come home soon. Just to refresh your memory, in order for her to come home, she has to (1) be at least 4 pounds, (2) maintain body weight (3) maintain body temperature (4) eat, swallow and breath all at the same time! We are thankful to God that Ava is doing great! Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers!

Ava is relaxing in her heated bed!


Mom&Dad to A & J said...

Wonderful news!! Go Ava!

(The heated bed made me laugh. Reminds me of when her mommy used to try to "cook" me with the electric blanket when I slept over.)

Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

God is so AMAZING! It also looks like her feeding tube is out as well. I can't wait to see her. You all are watching a miracle! We love you all! The Miley's