About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun at the Fair

Mommy and Ava ready for the fair

Ava's favorite ride at the fair: "the horses"

Riding the Nemo ride...all by herself

Cotton candy....YUMMY!

Llama, Llama, where are your red pajamas???

Feeding the sheep with Daddy

Petting the bunnnies

Petting the goats

Today we went to the North Georgia Fair and it was so much fun! This morning there was a deal at the fair, if you got there between 10 and 11 you got free admissions and free rides. It was awesome since Ava really only could ride on about 3 rides because of her height (I understand!). Ava's favorite ride was the "horses" (the merry go round). She even road on the Nemo ride all by herself. Though she was upset and cried at first, when the ride ended she wanted to ride it again. We ended the day by going through the petting zoo. Ava was able to pet bunnies, sheep and goats. The funniest thing she did was chase and call the baby goats , puppies. She would chase them around and say "hey puppies, stop puppies", it was hilarious. I am a big fan of the fair and it did not disappoint!

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