About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Enjoying Grammy and Doc's pool!

Ava and Mommy enjoyed an impromptu time at Grammy and Doc's house. Adam was in Chicago and I am too chicken to stay by myself. Michelle and Brandi came over to swim. They brought their two daughters Mia (Brandi) and Audrey (Michelle). Michelle and I have been friends since college (1995) and Brandi and I have been friends since I graduated from college, we met at a singles Bible Study (1999). So the three of us have been through stupid boyfriends, breakups, engagements, weddings and now babies together! It was so fun to see our daughters now swimming together and eating lunch together just like the three of us have done together some many times!! We are truely friends are friends forever..ha ha!

Ava also enjoyed having some fun pool time with Grammy and Doc! She loved floating in her little float and being pushed around the pool. This weekend Ava even learned to say fish and veggie (for veggie sticks). Ava and I are both very thankful for awesome parents that let us come a crash anytime!

On last thing...Ava and I did get to visit for dinner with Brad, Carri, McClellen and Hudson. Ava LOVES her cousins and had such a fun time playing with them. It is so cute to see how much fun the three of them have playing together!

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