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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Consignment sale find and turning 33!

WOW! Mom look at the good deal you got!

One of Ava's favorites!

Yummy cupcake made by Kristen

All the girls together for Brunch at Henry's
What a fun filled weekend I have had!! It all started on Thursday with a morning at the "All for Kids" consignment sale with Sarah. I found a great deal at the sale. One of Ava's most favorite toys that Ava plays with at Sunday School is the mirror/light, stand up toy. I had looked for it at several different consignment places and on line because it is not being made by Fisher Price anymore. Well, at the consignment sale on Thursday, I found it! I think I almost knocked down someone to get it, but a mama will do what she needs to do to make her baby girl happy. The fun continued on Friday. I met Grammy and Doc at the Mall of Georgia. The mall is about half way in between Acworth and Greenville. It was a great day of shopping, lunch and just getting to spend some great quality time with Grammy and Doc. Of course I always love it when I can spend my birthday with Doc, since we share the same birthday!! Finally on saturday, I had brunch in the morning with my "girls" at Henry's...YUMMY! Then on Saturday night Adam took me shopping, to a movie and then to dinner. In fact Adam helped me pick out a new bathing suit! I was going to pick out a tankini or a one piece and Adam's words were, "You may be a mom but you still have a hot body, so get a bikini!" HA HA, so being the "submissive" wife that I am, I got a super cute black and white suit.

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