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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Brilliant Smiley Child!

Finally! I finally got Ava to smile in a picture on the blog! She is a very smiley child, but usually every time I take a picture she gives me the "what in the world are you doing Mommy" look! But tonight while she was in her "johnny jumper", she looked at me and smiled!
We have had a break through this week! I have been super stressed (shock I know) over the fact that Ava is not "talking" yet. Well, this week she has said a total of four words and she used them in the right context. First, on Tuesday when we were at Wal-Mart picking up her prescrition for her ear infection Ava said "hey"! She was sitting in her buggy and a couple waved at her. Ava simpley turned her head and said, hey! Then today she said three words! Tonight when I was feeding her dinner, Ava did her sign for "all done". So I asked her, "Ava are you all done?" She looked and me, did her sign for "all done" and said, "ull gun"! Finally, tonight when Adam came home from work, I said, "Daddy's home" and Ava said, "a-e". I am so proud of my little girl! Amazing, amazing, amazing! God is great and great things He has done!

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