About Me

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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Thanksgiving weekend went great. It started off on Thursday with Adam's mom and dad, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Bruce, Jonathan, Robert and Grandma all came to my house for Thanksgiving. We had a great time of fellowship and GREAT food. It was so nice for everyone to pitch in and bring stuff, so no one had to do alot. Thursday afternoon/evening we went over to my Aunt Kathi's house because my mom and dad were there. It was nice to see them, even if it was just for a short visit. On Friday Adam and I went over to Me-Me and Bob-Bob's house and helped them but up their Christmas decorations with Kathi and Rick and had some great BBQ. On Saturday went went over to our friends Andy and Kristen's house and watch the GA Tech vs GA game with friends Clint, Kristin, Baby Maddie, Kelly, Jason, Jenn, Kevin and Greg. It was a great day, especially for the fact that GA Tech won! Then on Sunday Adam and I went to the Church of the Apostles in Atlanta and were able to hear Mike Huckabee preach! It was great!

Also, on Tuesday before Thanksgiving I found out I have to go take the 3-hour gestational diabetes test because I failed the first test that was just an hour. I am praying that my sugar has gone done so that I did not have gestational diabetes. I am not excited about taking the test and having to sit in the waiting room for 3-4 hours. But I want to find out if anything is wrong so that I can take care of it and make sure that Ava has the most healthy start that she can.

Update on my friends Casey and Dan:
A few months ago I told you that my friends Casey and Dan's little boy, Asher went to be with Jesus just moments after he was born. Since then they have been trying to adopt domestically from the Raliegh/Durham area. They just recieved good news that they are now the parents of a beautiful little girl named Zoe. Then birth mom has signed over parental rights but still has 7 days to go back and get the baby. Please pray that all goes well and that Casey and Dan will be able to have Zoe in their home by the end of the week. Some times we don't always know Gods plan or will, but we can always trust that His plan is perfect and that all things work together for good for those who love the Lord. If you would like so read about Casey and Dan's journey, here is their blog site. http://www.caseychappell.typepad.com/baby/

1 comment:

Cindy J said...

Hey Abbey,
I found your blog through Mary's blog. I am SOO happy for you and Adam with your little miracle growing inside of you. You guys will make great parents. I will try to follow along on here and will be praying for you and your sweet family.