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Adam and I were married on March 25, 2006. We have two precious girls, Ava and Anna. Here is our story. "On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand!"

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We are having a.......

Adam and I are excited to announce that on March 9th Miss Ava Elizabeth Cooler will be making her first depute into the world!! We went to the doctor yesterday afternoon and had a very extensive ultrasound and were able to see that we will be having a precious little girl!
My mom (Grammy) and Adam's mom (Grandmommy), were both in attendance to find out that who was growing in me was little AVA. During the ultrasound we got to see the four chambers of the heart, the heartbeat, spine, bladder, kidneys, brain, legs, arms, fingers, and toes. It was absolutely amazing. Ava is truely "wonderfully made" in the image of God! After the ultrasound I met with the doctor and got the all clear from our little excitement on Friday night. He said I probably just over exerted myself and just need to take it a little easier. (Easier said then done). Once we completed our doctor's visit, Adam, me and mom headed to Babies R Us to start registering. I will have to say I did pick alot of pink, but I also choose neutral colors for the basic stuff, so all those who know me as the "pink princess" should be proud!

I am still overwhelmed with knowing now WHO I am carrying in me. It is incredible to think that God already has all the plans for her life written out before she has even taken a breath! (Ephesians 2:10). God is so very good to us and Adam and I feel so blessed to be given this opportunity to parent this precious, precious child!

Thank you all for your love and support, especially those who where on their faces before the Lord for us in trying to concieve and on Friday night, when we thought tragedy was about to happen! Thank you, Thank you for all of your love, support and prayers! We are so blessed!

PS: One of my mom's in my class are making pink cupcakes and that is how I am going to tell my class. Pictures will follow later in the week!


Kristen O'Kelley said...

I am so excited for you guys! I absolutely love the name Ava Elizabeth! So cute!
Can't wait to meet her!

Donna said...

Congratulations!! Little girls are so much fun. You are so blessed :)

Kelly Rae said...

That is wonderful news!!! Precious Ava is such a blessing already! So happy that things are okay with each of you...please take the doctors advise and take it easy!!!!

Ashleigh said...

Yay for Ava!! Love the name. Bring on the pink!

the Griffin family said...

Another PINK PRINCESS is about to enter into the world!! I am so excited for you guys! You are in for so much fun and girliness!!

Summer Pendley said...

Congrats! You guys will love having a little girl. They sure are precious! I'm so excited for ya'll!